I would like to
provide all thanks to the Americans for the lesson they gave
to the world
And I hope to all who
aspire to that liberation to
learn from them:
Three of the world's most
powerful men, sat and were subjected
to interrogation by representatives of their people.
They sat for more than
four hours continuously, only to respond to questions, And the defense of
their project.
The fact this is an example
of humanity, regardless of the nature of the case,
because the Great man
becomes a servant to all, and a good listener, listening, and able to achieve
a balance.
They are
ready to apply and abide the decision of the majority of the people.
Perhaps those who demanded the freedom have to learn that:
Freedom does not mean
to fight in
order to impose your opinion
and your doctrine
Freedom means to serves the other
اود ان أقدم
للامريكان كل الشكر
على الدرس الذي
قدموه للعالم
و اتمنى على من يصبو
الى التحرر ان يتعظ
جلس ثلاثة من اقوى رجال
العالم، يستجوبون من قبل ممثلين عن شعبهم،
جلسوا اكثر من اربع ساعات
متواصلة فقط يردون
على الاسئلة و يدافعون
عن مشروعهم
بالحقيقة هذه هي مثال الانسانية،
بغض النظر عن ماهية القضية،
الكبير يصبح خادما
للكل، و مستمعا
جيدا و مصغيا، و
قادرا على ان يحقق التوازن
بل هو مستعد
ان يطبق و يلتزم
بقرار اغلبية الشعب
عسى من يدعي
بانه طالب حرية
ان يتعظ
فالحرية لا تعني
فرض رايك و مذهبك على الاخر
الحرية لا تقوم
الا بخدمة الاخر
Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden
Ἐκκλησία τῶν Γ.Ο.Χ