Just 14 $, you get Cross and supports a church building from your purchase.
we sale it in order to support the church.
The amount of 14 $ is divided as following
35% of the amount is materil cost
35% is shipping cost
30% is the support of Building of the Church.
that meaning 4.2$ is to support the building of the church.
buy now, and receive your Cross's design from our Catalog at:
order now Gift for sale as an Olive Wood Crosses from Holy Land
this gift made of the Holy land's olive wood
all Items are free shipping.
Our Lord Blessing you and your family.
Διάκονος. Rev.Deacon. Kamil Tannous
Orthodox Patristic Church
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Just 14 $ you get the holy cross and supports a church building
Monday, July 25, 2011
Consolation to the Norwegian People
I am the resurrection, and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. (John 11:25)
Our Dears in Christ
Whereas the humanitarian need is to consolation therefore we send our deepest condolences with absolute faith that there is no death, that after the resurrection of Christ, who created and prepared for our resurrection after his ascension into heaven.
We believe that our God is the God of life, the God of resurrection and the God of peace and love.
We believe that our God has received those youth in his Kingdom with the Saints and the Angels.
Our dears in Christ;
The most important thing in this moment is to provide our wish to participate Norwegian's people the consolation and love in order to convert this tragedy into power of Peace and love and to make it a cornerstone for more unity of Norwegian society.
Through our grief, we feel that we have to rethink in our thought and our spiritual methods; where the tragedy had took place in Norway, which indicate to our failures in order to rein in extremism, that because the absence of the right spiritual guidance.
Where we forgotten to deliver the true meaning of teaching of our Lord (Matt 5:44)
"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you".
And the true meaning of the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:33)
“But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him; and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him”.
My Dears in Christ,
Let us pray for those 98th souls which dwelt now in the heaven beside our Lord, and let us pray to those 98th candles, asking them to lighting our way, where they have now the divine light, in order to live as the Good Samaritan and according to love’s commandment of Jesus Christ.
Asking our Lord Jesus Christ the Protection to Norway
Through the intercession of the Virgin Mother of God
Your Brother, the Servant in Christ.
+ Rev. Spyridon (Kamil Tanous)
on behalf of Diocese of Leesburg
and the mission at Sweden and Scandinavia
Editor: Διάκονος. Rev.Deacon. Spyridon (Tannous)
Orthodox Patristic Church
Our Dears in Christ
Whereas the humanitarian need is to consolation therefore we send our deepest condolences with absolute faith that there is no death, that after the resurrection of Christ, who created and prepared for our resurrection after his ascension into heaven.
We believe that our God is the God of life, the God of resurrection and the God of peace and love.
We believe that our God has received those youth in his Kingdom with the Saints and the Angels.
Our dears in Christ;
The most important thing in this moment is to provide our wish to participate Norwegian's people the consolation and love in order to convert this tragedy into power of Peace and love and to make it a cornerstone for more unity of Norwegian society.
Through our grief, we feel that we have to rethink in our thought and our spiritual methods; where the tragedy had took place in Norway, which indicate to our failures in order to rein in extremism, that because the absence of the right spiritual guidance.
Where we forgotten to deliver the true meaning of teaching of our Lord (Matt 5:44)
"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you".
And the true meaning of the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:33)
“But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him; and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him”.
My Dears in Christ,
Let us pray for those 98th souls which dwelt now in the heaven beside our Lord, and let us pray to those 98th candles, asking them to lighting our way, where they have now the divine light, in order to live as the Good Samaritan and according to love’s commandment of Jesus Christ.
Asking our Lord Jesus Christ the Protection to Norway
Through the intercession of the Virgin Mother of God
Your Brother, the Servant in Christ.
+ Rev. Spyridon (Kamil Tanous)
on behalf of Diocese of Leesburg
and the mission at Sweden and Scandinavia
Editor: Διάκονος. Rev.Deacon. Spyridon (Tannous)
Orthodox Patristic Church
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Pastoral Letter 3
My Dears in Christ
In this letter I would like to share with you the meaning of Jesus’ Prayer
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner."
Jesus' prayer promoted to the rank of the liturgical prayers with distinction.
Where Jesus’ prayer came from the New Testament
The tax collector has provided an acceptable and effective prayer,
((Lord have mercy on me, a sinner.)), Jesus said: << This man went home justified before God>>.
In (Luke 18:38) the blind man called Jesus
(Jesus, Son of David, have a mercy on me),
The immediate result to this Prayer, was the blind man got a direct effect, and he became healthy; << Immediately he received his sight >>
And that applied to St. Paul when he said:
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:17). that completely applied to Jesus's Prayer
Jesus's Prayer consists from three phrases.
The first one is referring to the faith, awareness and acknowledging the divine nature of Christ.
The second one is: Ask for clemency, As the mercy of God is the light of God, life with God and according to God's will, And the living under protection of God from evil and wicked.
The third one is the recognition of our sinfulness.
Where the request of "have mercy”. is considered as a helmet of salvation.
My Dears
The great John the Chrysostom also says: ‘I implore you, brethren, never to break or despise the rule of this prayer.’ And a little further: ‘A monk when he eats, drinks, sits, officiates, travels or does an other thing just continually cry: “Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me!” so that the name of the Lord Jesus, descending into the depths of the heart, should subdue the serpent ruling over the inner pastures and bring life and salvation to the soul. He should always live with the name of the Lord Jesus, so that the heart absorbs the Lord and the Lord the heart, and the two become one.’ And again: ‘Do not estrange your heart from God, but abide in Him and always guard your heart by remembering our Lord Jesus Christ, until the name of the Lord becomes rooted in the heart and it ceases to think of anything else. May Christ be glorified in you.
And Saint Paul said in his Epistles: “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Rom 10:9-10). And again: “No man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor 12:3).
Therefore, I recommended you to pray Jesus’s prayer day-night in order to be in union with Jesus all time of your life; even you are in your job, study and so on.
Asking our Lord Jesus Christ for dwelt in your soul and body and filling your life.
Editor: Διάκονος. Rev.Deacon. Spyridon (Kamil Tannous)
Orthodox Patristic Church
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
"Atlas of the Bible" by Rev. Deacon Spyridon
.........."Atlas of the Bible"........
Rev. Deacon Spyridon Tanous
The Researcher Rev. Deacon Spyridon are Working on a book "Atlas of the Bible" Includes the stages of the Bible from Genesis to the book of Acts
with the full maps of all events of the old testament until the preaching of Philip, Peter and Paul,for more info contact
Διάκονος. Rev.Deacon. Spyridon Tannous
Orthodox Patristic Church
Rev. Deacon Spyridon Tanous
The Researcher Rev. Deacon Spyridon are Working on a book "Atlas of the Bible" Includes the stages of the Bible from Genesis to the book of Acts
with the full maps of all events of the old testament until the preaching of Philip, Peter and Paul,for more info contact
Διάκονος. Rev.Deacon. Spyridon Tannous
Orthodox Patristic Church
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Association of Holy Marriage /Orthodox Patristic church in Sweden
We invite all who intended to find life partner for getting marriage, in according to the holy tradition of Orthodox Church, to participate and join Association of Holy Marriage /Orthodox Patristic church in Sweden - Diocese of Leesburg.
All who intended to join the association, to find life partner for getting marriage through the association, must understand that well, the association deals in according to the following principles:
- When husband and wife are united in marriage they no longer seem like something earthly, but rather like the image of God Himself.
(St. John Chrysostom, c. 407)
- Holy Matrimony is the Mystery depicting the union of our Lord Jesus Christ with His Church (Eph 5:22-33).
Therefore, The Church is made up of men and women; thus their marriage union is immensely important for the well-being of the Faith and for their own salvation.
- all who intended to join the association, in order to find life partner for getting marriage through the association, both partners, man and woman, must to declare their faith in the Creed " the Nicene- Constantinople Creed".
- all who intended to join the association, in order to find life partner for getting marriage through the association, must have a baptized certificate for both men and women and for:
The woman must be Unmarried nor engaged and up of 21 year old
The man must be Unmarried nor engaged and up of 24 year old.
- The association is not a marriage agency, but it's an ecclesiastical body which attempting to support individuals and unmarried believers to meet and establishing christian families.
- The association is non-profit ecclesiastical body, and do not looking to getting any costs Except the application fee 5$ and annual membership fee which is 10$.
- The association is under supervision and belongs to Orthodox Patristic church/ Diocese of Leesburg www.christ-prayer.org.
- The association task is to gather men and women in order to get marriage according to the Ecclesiastical Holy tradition.
- The association’s task is to provide spiritual advise to the members and exams that the members respect the meaning of the holy marriage according to the Ecclesiastical Holy tradition.
- All personal information of the members is secret, and the information will be given to the default partners after the writing acceptance from the both partners.
- The association's task is to contact the chosen parish by the members whom intended to get marriage in order to be sure that the marriage will be in the church.
- The Association have right to cancel the membership for any member did not provide correct information and did not accept the rules writing in this document.
For information contact us on
Διάκονος. Rev.Deacon. Spyridon(Tannous)
Orthodox Patristic Church
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Meddelande fran Ortodoxa Patristic kyrkan/ Skara & Sverige
Ortodoxa Patristic kyrkan
Skara & Sverige
Biskopsdöme av Leesburg
Old Dominion
i nåd av den Helige Ande, Old Dominion BISKOPSDÖME i Virginia. (Stift av Leesburg) etablerade andlig vård till ortodoxa troende.
att genom nya församling som kallas "ortodoxa Patristic kyrkan"
leds av Rev Spyridon (Kamil Tanous). (engelskspråkig).
som kommer att ge:
- Andlig och liturgiska tjänster.
- Teologi Utbildning
- Prästadömet konfiguration för att bli läsare, diakoner och präster till nya församlingar i Sverige och Scandiavia.
- Ortodoxa ungdomsrörelse.
till den det berör kontakta dekanus, Rev Spyridon.
Skara- Sverige
Editor: Διάκονος. Rev.Deacon. Spyridon (Kamil Tannous)
Orthodox Patristic Church
Pastoral Message
Editor: Διάκονος. Rev.Deacon. Spyridon (Kamil Tannous)
Orthodox Patristic Church
Diocese of Leesburg
Pastoral Message
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
My Sisters, Brothers and our youth and Children.
Today I wrote to you asking our lord to provide his full protection and care to you.
In these messages I’ll go out for routine regarding to the Pastoral sermons, because most of the brethren of the priests, carrying out of this task; where the talents of Holy Spirit come upon each of us according to the Divine will.
Usually, the Pastoral letter comes according to the daily reading from the gospel or the Sunday's gospel; the Priest explains the meaning of the holy text and what is the Jesus message from this reading.
Whereas, the Spirit is leading us, and whereas, we are Subject to the will of the Holy Spirit, who leads the march of the priest in his service.
So, I chose to become completely driven by the Holy Spirit; who is leading my services.
My dears in Christ, where we are servants, that meaning, we must serve you and your needs, that meaning we should fight on behalf of you.
I can understand, how do you look to the priest or server when he preach
Most of you, say in himself, "this man is crazy" or “he is an illusional person".
Many of you are thinking " why I need to listen or to read such that myths".
Yes, I understand, the Internet is full of information, where you can become a doctor through it.
So, you think that, why you are obligated to listen to the priest who is surrounded by Old tradition.
at time every thing is new and modern, at time you can search and find what you think is true, just by clicking on your computer
I’ll not argue if that is true or not, but I want to refer to two matters which is the human relation and the divine relation,
that through a questions , why church is important in our life?
why we can not be in touch just through the internet without physical meeting,
to respond of this questions, firstly, we have to agree that the god is there, and he is in direct relation with our life, may we can say that he is a part of our daily life..
more, we have to wonder, why Jesus, became man, why he had choosen to touch our human needs as man, not just as he as spirit.
We have to search carefully, why he has chosen to be suffered on cross, why he did not conduct with us as spirit.
if we look after this matter, we will start to understand, why it is important to meet physically, speak face to face.
this kind of meetings are the corner stone of the church, the meeting, just through the meeting we can build the church, just through the meeting we can reach to the solve of our needs as human being.
then we can realize, the meaning of our needs, spiritually and physically
therefore, I invite you to meet, and to speak to each other, and together speak to god Transparency, to build right relation, to think together, and allow the holy trinity participate our though and thinking.
Please, let us do so, together,
I am sure that our Lord will support us,
So, I pray that our Lord and saviour to be with you in all the moments of your life, with the intercession of our mother, Mother of God Virgin Mary.
Rev. Spyridon
Orthodox Patristic Church
The representative of Leesburg Diocese in Sweden
Editor: Διάκονος. Rev.Deacon. Spyridon (Kamil Tannous)
Orthodox Patristic Church
Diocese of Leesburg
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Building humble Church
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Greeting in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
I wrote this Message with my trust in our Lord who gave us this service, to serve his people.
Where our project is to build church, halls and rooms, whereas our project is in Sweden, that to serve all Scandinavia and North Europe , which related to:
To gathering youth in activities that in attempts to provides education of:
And anti-Disregard for the meaning of life,
Save their bodies from the bad things,
Additional to provide spiritual care and education within scouting bands Seminars, workshops and so on.
Serve persons whom looking to become priests, where we will provide theology studies that through St. Elias Seminary, which it is a part of our Eparchy, and to provide Priesthood configuration of the Holy service.
Therefore, and where we have no money enough to do so, for that we chose to use containers and reconstruct it to build our humble church, and achieve our Project.
So, After looking in the container's market, we saw it is, also, expensive according to our budget.
Therefore, we ask our lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to guide persons whom can provide us help to buy containers in cheaper price.
Where our Policies are not to receive any cash money, as donation, therefore we need to accept the help. And in some cases we can accept any old equipment which helps us in our Project.
We ask our Lord to inspire you to what is best for you and your children and to his Holy church
And asking the Saviour to save you and your family from all evil
Orthodox Patristic Church - Sweden
Monday, July 4, 2011
Holy Cross Revolution
“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ”. (Gal 6:14)
Of course we have no political or ethnic direction , we are a christians believe in the Patristic tradition regarding to the holiness of the Holy Cross and the Holy Church.our revolution is a spiritual at all levels.
aims to restore the concept of honouring and worship to the Holy Cross who bore our Savior Jesus Christ, the Lord, to gather people in aim to raise the Holy Cross over Sweden, such as in the houses, gardens and the public area
Editor: Διάκονος. Rev.Deacon. Spyridon (Kamil Tannous)
Orthodox Patristic Church
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