Sunday, May 27, 2012

Syria, the solution exists

 The systematic murder, adopted by the Syrian regime
 Will not end
that clear the percentage of victims will rise  tragically
  But where the solution
is the solution exists in the pages of the Rome Convention or in the ink of Mr. Ocampo's pen "Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court"?

 That the procedural law of the Court mentioned allows the Prosecutor General in cases of crimes against humanity, such what happening in Syria, initiation of the investigation without returning to the Security Council
 because the Court is an independent body,

while on the other question in this course it is great chance for Bashar al-Assad who claims he is innocent, so let us help him for going to court and prove his innocence
 But this is linked to two questions in following:
 Do we live under international law including human rights law and humanitarian law
 Are the states of EU and North America which carry the banner of human rights are lieing and playing in humanity?
Thus, the solution lies in the answer to these questions

By Fr. Spyridon Tanous

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden