Sunday, May 27, 2012

Syria, the solution exists

 The systematic murder, adopted by the Syrian regime
 Will not end
that clear the percentage of victims will rise  tragically
  But where the solution
is the solution exists in the pages of the Rome Convention or in the ink of Mr. Ocampo's pen "Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court"?

 That the procedural law of the Court mentioned allows the Prosecutor General in cases of crimes against humanity, such what happening in Syria, initiation of the investigation without returning to the Security Council
 because the Court is an independent body,

while on the other question in this course it is great chance for Bashar al-Assad who claims he is innocent, so let us help him for going to court and prove his innocence
 But this is linked to two questions in following:
 Do we live under international law including human rights law and humanitarian law
 Are the states of EU and North America which carry the banner of human rights are lieing and playing in humanity?
Thus, the solution lies in the answer to these questions

By Fr. Spyridon Tanous

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Syria to die, No solution! quarter million victims.

The regime override the point of no return
he chose the way which lead or to kill population
figures of the regime are thinking there is No other choice, where Syrian  people want the execution of regime figures who killed more than 12000 civilian included more than 1200 children and destroyed completly a several cities and kidnaped more than hundred thousand persons They are missing, additional to more than hundred thousand refugee.

We are talking about more than a quarter million victims
that meaning  hundred thousands of civilians will be killed by this regime.
that mean human rights and humanitarian law have lost their voice and their exist.
no voice of the law nor conceptions.
the voice is voice for fire.
the regime chose to die with the people, not for love but because the hate.

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Is it Syrian prophecy or Caesar's madness

Persons became mad , some of whom claim to leadership and some of them arrived to the top of the leadership, and some of them are fighting to preserve it.

But the madness is not in the sense of leading nor riding chairs, But the madness has  several aspects one of these is a claim of prophecy.

It is well known,  prophecy in theological conception  is the truth and the reference to it and defend it.

In Christianity, the word of God sent by the Prophet who is protector, through divine power, for keeping the word and the church.

However, in the Syrian case the concept of prophecy madness has an exceptional character, this character was not discussed by theologians and scholars of the Sharia.

 Will not talk about Bashar al-Assad, while he is an exception situation in the human life should be studied, but I  agree with the person who described Al Assad as a case of reincarnation is between cytoplasm and cytoplasm and he is the state of the existence and separation from reality.

But I will go away to Russia, where the new Caesars have claimed to protection of the Orthodox Church, which mean prophecy according to the theological concept.

according to prophecy, but missing research is  the definition of this kind of dicto-prophecy, developed by the New Caesars who have established new kind of  mafia  planted deep in the Church of Russia, which began to spread over the countries,  they negotiated with the Church of Greece to help in the financial crisis But they asked cost which is the sovereignty of the church

 Thus they attempted to applies their new Dicto-prophecy conception in Syria, , in order to buy the church sovereignty in Syria and of course the seller is exist.

One may wonder what relation between Russia and the orthodox with Syria!!

The answer is, that the new Caesars found that the church is an excellent introductory for implementation of their agenda, therefore they  played a larger role in the election of the Patriarch, who signed a blank, and this is documented,

And received the role of executive functions in achieving Russian dicto-prophecy, where He came to Syria in advance to Implementation of the new Caesars conception ,

The stupidity of this lies approach is  in the lack of knowledge of the characteristics of Orthodox in Syria, who fought in the history of all movements of  the semi-prophetic coming from the West, moreover they  rejected any notion of separating them from the homeland Syria.

The most important issue is the Orthodox in Homs discovered the lie of this dicto-prophecy, and said to the Patriarch , Unworthy,  because he take position with the regime against the people.

because clergy who do not participate the need of the people, and clergy  who do not take part in the street with the popular movement whom looking for their right will be  Unworthy,

thus they Realizing that  no Assad's prophecy nor Caesar madness is able to break the march of freedom.

Written by Reverend Spyridon Tanous

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous Diocese of Leesburg Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden