Thursday, January 26, 2012

Worship Program During Great Lent 2012/ Program av Stora fastan 2012برنامج صلوات الصوم الكبير

Orthodox Patristic Church in Skara- Church of St. Spyridon

Ortodox Patristiska Kyrkan i Skara- Kyrko av St. Spyridon

كنيسة الاباء الارثوذكسية في سكارا- كنيسة القديس اسبيريدون

Worship Program During Great Lent 2012/ Program av  Stora fastan 2012

برنامج صلوات الصوم الكبير 2012

English  -  Svensk  -   عربي

+++  Matins (Morning Prayer)/ Matins (morgonbön)/صلاة السحرية

Monday to Friday/ Måndag till fredag  8:15   من الاثنين الى الجمعة  صباحا

+++  Great Compline / stora Compline/صلاة النوم الكبرى , يارب القوات, الرابعة مساء

Monday to Thursday/ Måndag till fredag  16:00  / الاثنين الى الخميس


+++     Prayer for the sick & Anointing of the Sick service ( sacred Oil)/ Bön för sjuka och sjukas smörjelse tjänsten (heliga Oil) صلاة من اجل المرضى والدهن من خدمة المرضى زيت المقدس) 

Wednesday / Onsdag الاربعاء  17.00

+++  The Akathist (akathistos) Service for the Holy Mother Of God Mary (Theotokos)/المدائح

Friday evening/ fredag efter middagen   17:30/  الجمعة

+++  Divine Liturgy / gudomliga liturgin/ القداس الالهي

Friday Morning/ fredag  8:15 الجمعة

Sunday / Söndag 10:00 الاحد

+++  Vespers (evening Prayer)/ Vespers (kvällsbön) صلاة الغروب

Saturday / Lördag 17:00  السبت

for further information contact, Fr. Spyridon at:

För mer information kontakta, Fr. Spyridon :

           لمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال بالاب سبيريدون:  

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
 Diocese of Leesburg
 Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Why Church

Today, I would like to share with you,  the conception of the church,.
if we turn back to the first church which have been established by the Holy Spirit, we find that:
additional to the action had made by Jesus, confirming the holiness of the Church, when He defended the Temple saying: "My house shall be called house of prayer" (Matthew 21:13), we find in the( Acts 1:12 & 2:3):
 " they returned to Jerusalem  "The Twelve" from the mount called Olivet, which is close to Jerusalem,.. and when they had entered, they went up into the upper room.... these all continued with  one accord in prayer and supplication...."

"and when the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, and suddenly .... and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit..."

thus, they were on the mount, but they went back to the house, so their prayer and the fullness from the Holy Spirit had been  happened in a place ( upper room ) not on the mount or desert nor under tree but in special place. this was confirming the necessity of a church building as a holy place , and house of God, and is the place where the Holy Spirit granting his gifts.

Thus, we realize that:
1- God has chosen the place ,
2- God chose special place to grant his holy gifts, not in open place.

So, our task is to maintaining a house of God who is place for prayer, and is a holy place of the descending of Holy Spirit.

thus, the church is a holy place and the house of God,
any sacred action, must be in  the church, not to change the churches into nightclubs or even place to store things, or to attend theater and so on.  

We heard some prefer to humanitarian service to the concept of the Church. as the Church is the enemy of humanity.
 I want to announce to you the Church was played the biggest role in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

And the humanitarian organizations of the Church is the largest and most into this World.

of course the humanitarian help very important matter, But when Christian lose the concept of the Church, all what he does, on  ground has a great value but without a soul.
 Because we believe that  Christ has the absolute power  and believe in his words are genuine.

and we have to remember Jesus Said:
and our task to take care on the souls before the body,
"The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment". (Luke 12:23)

"For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things". (Luke 12:30)
"Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning"; (Luke 12:35).

and the right way to do so is to keep the houses of God be open for prayer and for grant the holy Spirit.

in Christ
the humble servant in Christ
+Rev. Spyridon

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Diocese of Leesburg
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The understanding of Scripture's interpretation

The understanding of scripture's interpretation is based on two principles;

Firstly, on the first Epistle to Timothy puts it, “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching".

Secondly, Holy Scripture, fully, derives from divine revelation, and has been spoken directly about Christ. Luke 24:44, “Everything written about me in the Law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled".

Therefore, the Holy Scripture constitute the central of the worship in our orthodox church.
 The texts of the bible are chanted and proclaimed, for example, the divine liturgy of St. Basil the great or St. John Chrysostom’s involves over one hundred direct quotations and allusions to the biblical text, in addition to the hymns which derived direct from the Scripture texts.

thus, the main method for understanding of the Holy Scripture's interpretation, is joining the liturgies in the church, and participate it in mind and spirit, that lead to live the  Holy Scripture in its details.

In this way the Holy Spirit gives us the his holy gifts such as the spirit of wisdom and counseling then we become able to live the life of the spirit in the world.

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Diocese of Leesburg
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Sunday, January 15, 2012

revive the Spirit in more than 400 unused churches

Our brothers in Christ

we began dealing in hard  project,

which is revive the Spirit in more than 400 unused churches.

 if we do not do so, these churches will be lost, and the souls will be lost too.

some of churches  will be changed into clubs and other things...!!!

now as beginning to the mission,  we have rented an old church building which need renew in order to be in use .

if you fill that you can throw two mites,(the two mites of the poor widow ) (Mark:12-41.42), we ask you to do so, and donate to our poor church, which bear hard task.

for information visit:

 in the coming days we need 23000 SEK, which evaluated to 3285 $ to be spent for the annual rent of the church building and we need to buy a simple and the necessary furniture (Carpet and Some seats to sit), and Icons and Tabernacle & Service Items such as the Baptismal font, and so on.

already, we have bought, the Holy Communion set, the liturgical books, Priest vestments, incense and censers which all has costed  around 3000 €, which evaluate around 30,000 SEK, that additional to the building material for build the Iconostasis and the altar and parts of the Carpet , because the church is empty and used as Store for storage the machinery.

we ask our Lord to reach your heart and guiding you to our poor church may you can support us.

The Servant in Christ,

+ Rev. Spyridon

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
 Diocese of Leesburg Orthodox
Patristic Church- Sweden

Thursday, January 12, 2012

the two mites of the poor widow

of course, we are not looking to sharing your money, while we pray to our lord in order to bless what you own, but we ask if two mites, like the poor widow has threw, yes of course we need your two mites in order to get the minimum of our service needs to revive the church in our Area
"42 And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
43 And he called [unto him] his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury,"
if you fill that you can throw two mites,(the two mites of the poor widow ) (Mark:12-41.42), we ask you to do so, and donate to our poor church, which deal in big project, revive the Spirit into more than 400 churches.
our Lord bless you

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Diocese of Leesburg
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Monday, January 9, 2012

It is hard for them to kick against the goads

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
Spiritual life is the absolute guarantee for us as human being, in order to  pass in this life in peace, and it is the absolute guarantee for our humanity which it protect us from all kinds of violations, it is our safe path to cope with the policy of this world and its leaders, those who worships money and kills the people of God for money.

Spiritual life is the way to obligate the Leaders of the church in order to  hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

 No voice their greed and their interests. exactly as our Lord has said to St. Paul, : Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?..... It is hard for you to kick against the goads.
thus the Spiritual revolution is the path to deliver our voice to those blind Leaders and tell them futility of fighting against divine truth.

So, March 10, 2011 at 17:00 we are waiting you to fill  the squares of each city in the prayers and lighting candles and to deliver our voice to the leaders of this world and say to them we are the sons of the heavenly kingdom, and they must listen because it is hard for them to kick against the goads.

You and I will achieve justice
 But in a spiritual revolution
 Will fill the squares.

  in hymns and prayer and the support of the Holy Spirit we will force them to repair what they have been spoiled, they will realize that they cannot futility of fighting against divine truth.
Our Lord is the full of the truth. and our Lord is there with us.

may our Lord Jesus Christ blessed your life
  The servant in Christ, Fr. Spyridon

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
 Diocese of Leesburg
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Universal Spiritual Revolution

The aim of the Spiritual Revolution is to revive the christian faith in the Holy Trinity through revive the teaching of the Fathers of the church,
The revolution will start from Sweden to all the world,
Revolutionaries are the believers in the Holy Apostolic Church founded by Christ and install the Holy Spirit through the teachings of the Church Fathers
we are Revolutionaries for the revival of...
the true Church which is a shelter the oppressed
Revolutionary order to correct the path of the Church
we are Revolutionaries against social injustice
we are Revolutionaries against the politicians who benefit from war,
we are Revolutionaries against the dictatorship

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Diocese of Leesburg
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden