Saturday, August 13, 2011

Orthodox Monastic " Ranks & Types"

In our tradition as Orthodox, monastic has four ranks which related to both men and women.
The first step is the beginner or so called novice, which is an obedience rank, where at this stage the candidate lives in the monastery under the direction of a spiritual father or mother.

The second rank is called the rias-bearer, which  the person in this level is start to get  formally accepted into the monastic society, and  given the right to wear the monastic robe, ; But in this stage the candidate is not yet fully committed to the monastic life.

The third rank is that of the small schema where the person is declared as monk. and to receives a new name and wears the monastic schema (a cloth with the sign of the cross), here in this stage the person declare his obligation to remain in the monastic life and obedience to the spiritual father and to the abbot of the monastery.
The service here, includes a long series of formal questioning about the authenticity of the calling, the tonsuring (i.e., the cutting of the hair), and the vesting in the full monastic clothing.

The final rank of the monastic order is the great schema. here the monk will expressing the most strict observance of the monastic ideals, demanding normally a state of life in total seclusion in perpetual prayer and contemplation. With this final profession a new name is again received, and a new monastic insignia -- the great schema -- is worn.

it is good to note that In the Orthodox monastic there is no prescribed length of time that a person must remain in one or another of the monastic ranks.
Thus, some persons may progress rapidly to profession, while others may take years, and still others may never be formally professed while still remaining within the monastic community. The decision in these matters is made individually in each case by the spiritual director and the head of the community. 

Types of Monasticism

Although the Orthodox Church does not have religious orders as the Latin Church does, there are in Orthodoxy different styles of monastic life, both individually and in community. Generally speaking some monasteries may be more liturgically oriented, while others may be more ascetic, while still others may have a certain mystical tradition, and others be more inclined to spiritual guidance and openness to the world for the purpose of care and counselling. These various styles of monasticism, which take both a personal as well as a corporate form, are not formally predetermined or officially legislated. They are the result of organic development under the living grace of God.

In addition to the various spiritual styles of monastic life, three formal types of organization may be mentioned. The first is that of coenobitic monasticism. In this type all members of the community do all things in common. The second form is called idiorhythmic in which the monks or nuns pray together liturgically, but work and eat individually or in small groups. In this type of monasticism the persons may even psalmodize and do the offices separately, coming together only for the eucharistic liturgy, and even then, perhaps, only on certain occasions. Finally, there is the eremitic type of monasticism where the individual monks or nuns are actually hermits, also called anchorites or recluses. They live in total individual seclusion and never join in the liturgical prayer of the community, except again perhaps on the most solemn occasions. In the rarest of cases it may even happen that the holy eucharist is brought to the monk or nun who remains perpetually alone.

In the Orthodox Church today in the Western world there are only a few communities with a genuinely monastic life. In the traditional Orthodox countries monasticism still thrives, although with greatly reduced numbers due to the political and spiritual conditions. In recent years, in some places, there has been a renewed interest in monasticism, particularly among the more educated members of the Church.

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Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Friday, August 12, 2011


Everyone of us is called upon to serve God in various different ways. 
Monasticism is a particular calling, a very special way for a man to serve God and Humanity. 
Every man has a particular gift, as Saint Paul says. The "calling" for someone to become a monk is in itself such a "gift". 
God himself talks directly with the monk-to-be (using signs, indications, or man’s inner voice), or (talks to the monk) through his Spiritual Guide (Spiritual Father). 
Monasticism is one of the ways by which a man can reach God. This is accomplished by solitude, prayer, exercise, obedience to the Spiritual Father service and fasting. 

For a man to come face to face with God, in the special way that a monk is called upon to do so, he needs solitude and quiet, with no external distractions. Monks that need this special solitude do not live in communes, but in solitary isolation (hermits, ascetics).

Monasticism’s prayer and fasting
Prayer is the right, the obligation and the support for every believer. For the monk, prayer is his reason for existence in this life and world. There are different ways of prayer for different situations and needs. The "Jesus Prayer" or "wish" that the monks of Mount Athos say, (with the of the Prayer Rope) consists of the words: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me the sinner". Many a book have been written about this Prayer and many more things have been experienced through it. It is also called "The Prayer of the Heart".
Fasting is the abstention from particular food or food in general. It is the monk’s exercise on a physical level. Fasting aims to purify and cleans both body and spirit, and to strengthen his will.

Monk's Obedience
Obedience is one of the capital virtues of the monk. It is a prerequisite for humility, which is, by general admission, the crown of all Christian virtues. The Holly Fathers place obedience above fasting and prayer. The reason is that exercise without obedience gives birth to vanity and arrogance, but if one acts under instructions, one has no reason to be arrogant. Obedience means unreserved surrender to God’s will. The Spiritual Father helps the monk in this matter, and his contribution is of great importance to the progress of the monk. As a sign of his obedience to God the monk is called to obey his Spiritual Father in all matters.

Service of monks
Service is related to both prayer and obedience. It can be both "inward" and "outward". Outward (external) refers to the tasks and duties which a monk has to perform while living in the community of his fellow brefuren, and to hospitality. It also refers to the giving of counsel (when asked) and consolation.
The "inward", invisible service refers to the prayer for humanity.

Text sources from "Holy Mountain".

Welcome to visit us at:

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Radio “Voice of Youth"


Coming soon

“Voice of Youth"

Provide a set of  the most interesting programs:

directed to the young, adult and children

1- Morning program            "Good Morning World"

"Good Morning O' heaven", provide the live broadcasting discussions, on the issues of life
Worldwide news: over the social and ecclesiastical activities.
And many other.

                                           "          Good Morning World           "
 "           Good Morning  World        "

2- Hello from Sweden
3- Let us pray to the Lord
4- News of the situation of youth worldwide
5- Music and songs
6- Our voice
7- Peace and justice
8- Arts
9- Thank God
10- Educations
11- Vesper
12- Evening news


Live program, “lets children to come upon me”.

“    lets children to come upon me   ”
“    lets children to come upon me   ”

Three time a week the live program   “O' our youth what your needs”

  “O' our youth what your needs”
  “O' our youth what your needs”  

Additional to the Liturgy, arts, education programs.

The radio will be available on your Mobile, IPod, Ipad, PC  and all devices provides internet, to listen and participate the live programs wherever you are, in your car, office, at home, free times and so on. 

Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Calendar of the holy church

Fixed Great Feasts
January 7               – The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
January 19             – The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
February 15           – Meeting of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Temple
April 7                   – The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mar
August 19             – The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ
August 28            – The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
September 21      – Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mar
September 27      – The Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
December 4         – Entry into the Temple of our Most Holy Lady Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary
January 14           – Circumcision of the Lord
July 7                    – The Nativity of the Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John
July 12                 – The Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles: Peter and Paul
September 11     – The Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner of the Lord, John the Baptist
October 14         – Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary
Fasting Seasons
May 31 - July 11           – Apostles’ (Peter & Paul) Fast
August 14 - August 28         – Dormition (Theotokos) Fast
November 28 - January 6    – Nativity (St. Philip’s Fast)
Fast Days
The Wednesdays and Fridays of the Year, except for Fast-Free Weeks
January 18            – Kreschensky sochelnik (The Eve of Theophany)
September 11        – The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
September 27        – The Elevation of the Cross

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Thursday, August 4, 2011


provides a wonderful spiritual films
children films and programs
historical documentations
education theological programs
chants and Liturgies

Watch the programs on

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous
Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden

Monday, August 1, 2011

Letter from Syrian blood

Ladies and Gentlemen

Greeting in Christ

The Syrian people, since five months, and now killed by the dictatorial regime in Syria
And you so called “the leaders of democracy states” you the friends of this murderous regime
You see the Syrian blood the blood of (children, youth, old men and women) and you silent you are trying to protect the deadly.
Therefore, I want to say that
By the law you are involved in this Historical crime
This is a disgrace
 Yes, you have been stigmatized in the shame
If you are Christian, I am wondering how you will meet the creator,
I am wondering did you read:
 the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:33). if not, I ask you to do so.

Editor: Διάκονος. Rev.Spyridon Tannous
Orthodox Patristic Church