Thursday, July 12, 2012

Revolution or Surrender

When I decided  to be in silence, for a quite time, that was not an evasion of responsibility nor to escape, but because of my conviction that  priests is not entitled to engage  politics, and I still convinced that politics is a game of Satan.
 But I decided to judge myself and my priestly through re-reviewed the theology of the Fathers of the Church, which led me to I found that priesthood, in general and  according  to the Orthodox Church, was  imposed  priest to exercise his priesthood  through divine's authority  given to  the priest in order to tell the truth, spread the truth and defense it.  Moreover to apply this authority over acts of evil. 

 " Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you".
Thus, it is not acceptable for anyone who has involved into the grace of  priesthood to become silent against evil and injustice, but its not reasonable for him to work against   Christ who established  the revolution against slavery.
Christ who confirmed that  we are the sons of God, while  the sons of God are not slaves nor subservient , but if we accept to be slaves that meaning we make God  slave.
This issue does not accept  compromise, where the Lord Jesus Christ said: "Do not think that I have come to send peace on earth. I have not come to send peace but a sword".
its the sword of right, which is  the Word of God in whom we fight Satan and sin and the enemies of truth, and with which Christianity spread in all corners of the earth. And its the weapon of Christianity in the revolution that will continue until the day of the second coming.
its the sword of right,  granted to the Church from God himself  in order to defend the right,  " I am the way, the true and the life".
The sword of right is the Word of God, who  said to Paul: "Saul, Saul ..... it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks... " which mean cannot kick against the sword of divine right.
Paul, Saul of Tarsus, had drove the divine and the right  revolution, he had given the power from God,  girded himself with the sacred sword, in revolt against the injustice of the Pharisees and the scribes, against the philosophy of the dark, against corrupt authority, refusing orders to the compound in Jerusalem, in defiance of any authority, adopting the right to revolution.
This issue will leads us to the fact which confirm our obligation of reject authorities of the dark, although the exist of those who lost their way and became collaborators with the power of darkness are trying to support evil, but no one can hide facts.
 We  cannot forget the great Antiochian  "St. John Chrysostom"  How he  launched a revolt against injustice, supporting the poor and the weak, a revolt against the Queen and the Emperor's policies. 
did   Antioch's saint was in wrong!?
or the matter is  we deal with the standards fit our gains and our interests. thus the  following question must be asked and enough silence.
 Does Christianity is the  revolution for the right  and it is the way of  salvation and peace based on justice?
Part of answer  exist at authorities who are seeking the right without impose evil things on its own nationals, for example, the Emperor Constantine had called to hold Synod included more than three hundred bishops who are Fathers of  Church , they put the policy of the empire and the king accepted it  because he realized that the sword of right must be applied.
Thus, Christianity is the sword of truth and revolution of the right which face  the Kingdom of darkness.

By Fr. Spyridon Tanous

Editor: Rev.Spyridon Tanous Diocese of Leesburg Orthodox Patristic Church- Sweden